- Bates, William, The Whole Works of Rev. W. Bates
- Bridges, Jerry, The Joy of Fearing God, Waterbrook Press, Colorado Springs, CO, 1997, 2016
- Bunyan, John, A Treatise on the Fear of God, revised and updated by Roger McReynolds
- Calvin, John, Institutes of the Christian Religion
- Fox, Christina, A Holy Fear – Trading Lesser Fears for the Fear of the Lord, Reformation Heritage Books, Grand Rapids, MI, 2020
- Owen, John, The Life and Works of John Owen
- Reeves, Michael, Rejoice and Tremble – The Surprising Good News of the Fear of the Lord. Crossway, Wheaton, IL, 2021.
- Spurgeon, Charles H., A Fear to Be Desired, a sermon preached November 7, 1878, from the Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Volume 48
- Spurgeon, Charles H. Godly Fear and its Goodly Consequence, a sermon preached January 1, 1970, from the Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Volume 22